Daikin Ductless Air Conditioning

Tradesman Heating and Air conditioning provides complete Repair & Replacement Services for Daikin Ductless Air Conditioning
More and more people are becoming familiar with ductless air conditioning in Winnipeg because those that already have them are getting the word out as to how economical, quiet and efficient they can be. As the name suggests, no ductwork or air distribution system is required. Because of this, there are few places where these units cannot be installed. In addition to older homes with hot water heat, these systems have been used to air condition large & small offices, sun rooms, motels, hotels, Board rooms, computer rooms, schools, hospitals & labs.
Ductless systems are made up of four components:
The condensing unit – located outdoors
The indoor unit which can be wall or ceiling mounted
Refrigerant piping and electrical cables connecting the 2 units together
A wireless remote or wall mounted controller
Most units are available from 1-5 ton capacity and may be operated down to -10ºF ambient.
A dual or multi-head system offers the flexibility of conditioning separate spaces or zones as they are needed. An example would be, a “man-cave” could be set cooler than a bedroom since it would have its own temperature control. Click here to see detailed information about ductless systems.
Heat pump models offer low cost heating that will save as much as 60% off your conventional gas or electric heating energy bills. Homes with boiler systems can benefit the most since the hot water system can be turned on later in the fall or early winter and turned off earlier in the spring.